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, 1967
Compared to muzzle loaders, the crossbow has the advantage of not making any noise nor creating any powder smoke. That is why it remained a popular hunting weapon even long after its military use had been discontinued. But this is actually not about this beautiful crossbow but instead about the collection from which it originates. That collection was part of a museum which only exists in name today. In December of 1967, the Council of the district of Teltow decided to close the museum in Mahlow. Its profile, it was said, no longer corresponded to the social requirements. Bit by bit, the valuable collection was scattered to the four winds. Accomplished writers were furnished with historical movables. Some things went to other museums, much was embezzled. The crossbow was fortunate enough to land in the Regional Museum in Potsdam. Whether or not this museum put up any resistance against the dismantlement of the Museum Mahlow, is not known.