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, 1975
What on earth is that? Perhaps the wing of a somewhat corpulent elf? To explain, we need to go back a bit. In 1975, an exhibition with the wonderful title "From Me to We - Development of the Productive Forces in Socialist Agriculture 1945 - 1960" is presented in Wandlitz. It was also the start signal for the restructuring of the local regional history museum into the more modern "Museum for Agrarian Productive Forces". One of the exhibits had been donated by the Institute for Agrarian Technology in Potsdam-Bornim. Once in dire times, experiments with substitute materials had been conducted there. Glass, for example, was cheaper than steel, after all. Now let's quickly imagine how a plough works. Dragged along the field, the ploughshare rips open the ground and a moldboard rotates it. What we see here is a moldboard made from armored glass. Apparently, this original idea never made it to serial production. But it was surely worth a try.