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, 1923
The good old VHS tape has by now become a museum candidate itself. We had the content copied to more contemporary data carriers to be able to play it. And what's on the tape has to do with the museum education in Luckenwalde. Because sometimes, museums actually are outside of the exhibition space. We are talking about the project "Mendelsohn Hall". In 1923, the young architect Erich Mendelsohn built a hat factory in Luckenwalde. The chief attraction was the enormous roof over a highly modern production hall - shaped itself like a hat. The Nazis did not enjoy such shenanigans and the Jewish architect was forced to emigrate. The sensational roof was torn down and the hall used for a variety of other purposes. The Luckenwalde Student Project produced a documentary in the year 2000. It was not only intended to serve as commemoration of the memorial but also as somewhat of a reckoning with Nazi barbarism and antisemitism.