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, 1935
When the great author, poet and publicist Kurt Tucholsky fled to Sweden from the Nazis, he had this little box with him. A reminder of happier times. "Claire Pimbusch" it states on the lid. That is how he referred to his lover and first wife Else Weil. Maybe it was originally intended to hold her love letters. With the famous Rheinsberg love story, Tucholsky created a literary commemoration for his "Claire". They separated in 1923 again. Both lives did not end well. He died in exile in 1935 from an overdose of sleeping pills. Else Weil, being Jewish, was murdered in Auschwitz. Many years later, the small letter casket returned to Germany as part of Tucholsky's estate and is now on display in Rheinsberg. There are no love letters inside anymore. But it does tell stories of two lives, a happy encounter and an evil time.