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Museum of the Death March Wittstock-Below

The museum commemorates the more than 30,000 prisoners of the concentration camp Sachsenhausen who were forced into a death march by the SS on 21 April 1945. The reason for the decision was the fact that the front was closing in. Two days later, more than 16,000 prisoners were guarded in a temporary open-air camp in the Below Forest. Thousands lost their lives in the process. A memorial in the forest, inscriptions by prisoners in the trees as well as an open-air exhibition commemorate the victims. The educational workshop in the former museum buildings offers project for groups.

Foto: Museumsverband des Landes Brandenburg e.V., Andreas Tauber

Museum des Todesmarsches
Belower Damm 1
16909 Wittstock

Phone: (039925) 2478 

Fax: (039925) 77835



Opening Hours: 

Open-Air-exhibition: every day

Office and bookshop: Monday - Friday 10 am to 4 pm

24.-26.12., 31.12.,01.01. closed

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