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, 1929
The most unbelievable one of architect Konrad Wachsmann's inventions may have been his construction system for "floating" aircraft halls. However, the beginnings of his career were marked by a small house in Caputh which he designed for Albert Einstein. It was supposed to a gift from the city of Berlin for his 50th birthday. But Nazis and friends outdid one another in a public smear campaign. So, the Einsteins simply gave the villa on the lake in Caputh to themselves. Friends contributed the now indispensable sailboat. The happiness in Caputh lasted for three years. In 1933, Albert Einstein decided to emigrate. He never saw house or yawl again. The Jewish architect Konrad Wachsmann followed him soon after. And became quite famous in the United States. But the Einstein house would forever remain the smallest structure he ever built.