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Briquette Factory LOUISE Domsdorf

The oldest briquette factory in Europe which is still in existence is lovingly referred to as LOUISE. It was constructed in 1882 and has been protected as a monument since 1992. Many of the machines still work today, some even powered by steam. During guided factory tours, up to 14 machines are put into operation. Educational children and student projects teaching practical skills take place in the workshop building. The main hall offers space for art and music events. Visitors are also invited to join guided hikes through the reclaimed post-mining land.

Foto: Technisches Denkmal Brikettfabrik "Louise"

Technisches Denkmal Brikettfabrik „Louise“
Louise 111
04924 Domsdorf

Phone: (035341) 94005
Fax: (035341) 94894




Montag & Donnerstag um 10:30 Uhr (45 min.) und um 12:45 (90 min.) 
Sonntags 10:45 Uhr (90 min.) und 13:45 (90 min.)

Für Gruppen ab 15 Personen erbitten wir eine Voranmeldung. 

Begehung nur mit Bergwerksführer möglich. Es sollte festes Schuhwerk getragen werden. 

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