Jan Bouman House Potsdam
The exhibition in the Jan Bouman House explores the history of the Dutch Quarter in Potsdam and portrays the quotidian culture of its inhabitants. The ensemble consisting of front house, courtyard, timber frame courtyard building, and garden is from 1735. Historical furnishings and household items present impressions from life during the 18th century. The Booster Club for the Preservation of Dutch Culture in Potsdam manages the Jan Bouman House on behalf of the city of Potsdam. The club supports special exhibitions about Dutch topics and events in the Dutch Quarter as well as project events and offers consultations.
Foto: JBHP, lizensiert unter: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jan_Bouman_Haus,_Flur.jpg
Jan Bouman Haus
Mittelstraße 8
14467 Potsdam
Phone: (0331) 2803773
Fax: 0331/2805872
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 1 pm to 6 pm
Saturday, Sunday, Holiday 11 am to 6 pm
24.12., 31.12. closed