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Museum of Local History in the "House of the Guest" Müllrose

The local museum’s permanent exhibition gives an insight into 750 years of history and culture of the city of Müllrose and its surroundings, including historical documents, secret findings and forgotten tools that recount the stories of past times. In the bordering remise, one can admire fully the efforts of the restored carriers. Close to the museum, in the historical fire department house with its wooden hose tower, visitors can take a look at authentic exhibits, witness accounts of Müllrose’s fire department and the history of the canal. Furthermore, this is the starting point of the educational nature trail through the beautiful Schlaubetal (Schlaube valley).

Foto: Museumsverband des Landes Brandenburg e.V., Lorenz Kienzle

Heimatmuseum im Haus des Gastes
Kietz 7
15299 Müllrose

Phone: (033606) 77290
Fax: (033606) 772925




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