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Schorfheide huntingcastle

Two rooms within the hunting lodge are dedicated to the German emperors Wilhelm I., Frederick III. and Wilhelm II. The Imperial room and the Hubertus room portray the emperors as hunters and politicians and stage historical hunting arms. A special exhibition provides information about the life of the professional boxer, hunter and nature-enthusiast Max Schmeling. The museum barn is right next to the main building of the museum grounds, the hunting lodge. Extensive image and sound material in the exhibition in the museum barn illustrates the upheaval from democracy to the Weimar Republic to the dictatorship of the National Socialists and the more recent past until the time of the fall of the wall from the perspective "Hunting and Power in Schorfheide Region".

Foto: Gemeinde Schorfheide

Schlossstraße 6 Schorfheide
16244 Groß Schönebeck

Phone: (033393) 65272

Fax: (033393) 65272




Opening Hours: 

May to September:
Monday - Sunday 10 am to 12:30 pm,1 pm to 5 pm 

October to April:
Monday - Sunday 10 am to 12:30 pm, 1 pm to 4 pm


24.12., 25.12., 31.12., 01.01., January

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