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Memorial to the Victims of the Euthansia-murders

The memorial to the Victims of the Euthansia-murders in Brandenburg an der Havel is located in the city centre at the Nicolaiplatz. There, in a former prison, was one of six killing facilities of the so-called „Aktion T4 “. Between February and October 1940, killing facility staff murdered over 9,000 patients from northern and central Germany with poison gas. The memorial informs in a permanent exhibition, with pedagogical offerings and events about the history of the euthanasia-murders in Brandenburg an der Havel. Visitors can see the building footprints of the former prison barn where the gaschamber had been installed.

Foto: Gedenkstätte für die Opfer der Euthanasie-Morde

Gedenkstätte für die Opfer der Euthanasie-Morde
Nicolaiplatz 28/30
14770 Brandenburg an der Havel

Phone: (03381) 79 35 112 or 79 35 113




Opening Hours: 

Thursday and Friday 1-5 pm

Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm

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