Memorial and Museum Seelow Heights
This memorial commemorates the battles during the last months of the Second World War to the west of the Oder river and the consequences for the people and the cultural landscape in the region. Tens of thousends soldiers and civilians of different nations lost their lives during this battle. The current permanent exhibition has been documenting the eventful history and utilization of this internationally recognized place of remembrance in various historical eras. Text, visual and audio documents convey the events from early 1945. The grounds also include military large-scale equipment, a monument and the soldier's cemetery. Special exhibitions and events provide the opportunity to dive into topics in greater detail.
Foto: Gedenkstätte und Museum Seelower Höhen
Gedenkstätte und Museum Seelower Höhen
Küstriner Straße 28a
15306 Seelow
Phone: (03346) 597
Fax: (03346) 598
Opening Hours:
November to March:
Tuesday - Sunday 10 am to 4 pm
24.12. - 01.01. closed
April to October:
Tuesday - Sunday, Holiday 10 am to 5 pm