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Nature Park House Stechlin Menz

Discover, touch, experience - the primarily family-oriented Nature Park House Stechlin takes visitors on a fantastic journey through the nature of forests, lakes and moors. It serves as the visitor center of the nature preserve Stechlin - Ruppiner Land and offers information about its particularities. Guests are invited to join a fictitious expedition from the highest tree crowns to the bottom of the lake. They can enter the mysterious passageways of ants, spend a moonlit night in the woods, learn the language of the moor frog, see the world through the eyes of a dragon fly or fish or have a phone conversation with a crane. The facilities in the Nature Park House are wheel-chair accessible and travel groups are invited to book tours.

Foto: NaturParkHaus

Kirchstraße 4
16775 Stechlin

Phone: (033082) 51210
Fax: (033082) 40641



Opening Hours: 

October to April: 

Monday - Friday 10 am to 4 pm            

Saturday, Sunday 11 am to 4 pm 

Holiday 11 am to 4 pm                

May to September:

Monday -Friday 10 am to 5 pm

Saturday, Sunday, Holiday 11 am to 5 pm

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